What is Halftime? 

Most people are over prepared for the first half of life and underprepared for the second half.  And there’s no university for the second half of life.” – Peter Drucker

  • “Halftime” is a phrase that was coined by Bob Buford and refers to the stage that many people reach (usually somewhere in mid-life) where they become more aware of their life, where it is going and where they want it to change.
  • It is a time when, despite and often following success, frustration and emptiness motivate people to start asking the hard questions and seek a more purpose-driven life.
  • Halftime provides us with the vital pause to reflect on who you  are, what you have to work with, your successes and failures of the first half, and then to make intimate contact with God to receive your unique assignment for the second half.

How do you get from here to there? 

The healthiest Halftimers do not travel the road alone. Rather, they connect with a coach or with peers who are on their own journey and learn from others who have successfully made it to the other side.

We can help (Cascaded title)

We focus our efforts on individuals just like you—marketplace leaders with a deep desire for a second half rich in eternal significance.

  1. CORE– who am I and what is my mission/purpose on earth?
  2. CAPACITY– how can I develop extra margin with my time, money and spiritual overflow?
  3. CONTEXT– what is the best platform/workplace and role that fits me the best in order to live out my calling?

How do we serve people? 

  1. Halftime Seminars (9 hours)
    Participants are guided to discover there Ephesians 2:10 calling and draft a personal mission statement.
  2. Halftime Forums (9 sessions over a period of one year)
    The Halftime Forum is a 12-month experience designed for men and women who are serious about transitioning their lives from success to significance.

Each Forum is limited to 6 – 8 people. You will be equipped with the tools, resources, peer input, Halftime Coaching and accountability to God’s will for the second half of your life.


  • Glorifying God by becoming and doing who and what He purposed you for.
  • What you could do with your life to make a difference in peoples’ lives.
    • How to go on the journey with your spouse and family in a way that enables them to thrive in this next season of life.
    • How your current marketplace role can be a platform for living out your life purpose. And if not, how will you transition?

A forum kicks off with weekend session followed by nine 4 hour meetings scheduled over the course of one year.

  1. Personal one-on-one ‘Halftime Coaching’

Available once per month over a period of one year

Partnering with:

3 + 6 =

Financial support

The ministry is operated on faith based principles and dependent on voluntary donors who believe in our vision.

Project leader:
Mr Ritz de la Batt
Email: ritz@vdslegal.co.za

FHBC, Wellington
Email: info@fhbc.co.za

Donations can be made to:
Visarend Trust, ABSA Paarl.
Branch code 632005
Account number : 922 799 6908