
1. Discover your unconditional belovedness

Amidst a world that shouts “prove yourself” : each person needs to encounter unconditional belovedness from God as their Lover.

2. Learn how to live with Jesus 

  • To be a disciple of Jesus means to be His student in Kingdom living. It is about learning from Him and to live our lives as He would have.
  • The spiritual disciplines of “Lectio Divina, Examen, Silence and Solitude” are explored to assist in repeating the life of Jesus.

3. Reflect on your spiritual and emotional life

  • Recognise where you are in your spiritual journey as a person. You cannot become spiritually mature if you do not grow emotionally as well.
  • Self-knowledge is crucial for healing and spiritual growth.
  • Look at your family of origin, your culture, your story and reflect on the critical happenings in your life and how that influenced you.
  • Come in touch with your emotions and learn skills to grow in emotional soundness.
  • The liberation of Forgiveness.
  • Discover your False Self and defence mechanisms you utilise to cope with life.
  • Discover your real identity and live freely and lightly.
  • Learn how we can answer God’s love, also love others and become part of God’s Kingdom agenda for the world.

8 + 9 =

Financial support

The ministry is operated on faith based principles and dependent on voluntary donors who believe in our vision.

Project leader:
Mr Ritz de la Batt
Email: ritz@vdslegal.co.za

FHBC, Wellington
Email: info@fhbc.co.za

Donations can be made to:
Visarend Trust, ABSA Paarl.
Branch code 632005
Account number : 922 799 6908