
1. The Cycle of Grace vs the Cycle of Works

Cycle of Grace 

In a highly demanding and pressurized world you can now earn the rhythm of a life that Jesus Himself demonstrated.

  • Know whats God’s acceptance entails of
  • How do I sustain His grace
  • To be a “sign” in the world
  • To life fruitful


Cycle of Works

Where we first seek to achieve, to be productive and fruitful. In doing that we go against the flow of grace!

2. The heart of spiritual transformation: 

“God did not put me on earth to fulfill a “to do list” He is more interested in who I am and can become than what I do. Those who flourish always bring blessing to others in the most unexpected and humble circumstances. “

Become a new person by:

  • Surrendering: The pathway to transformation is to let God be God in every aspect of our lives.
  • Laying down that which you previously were willing to die for.
  • Recovering your deep longing to surrender to someone transcendent, a longing that is very dim and distant when you are imprisoned in your ego.
  • Shifting from self–centeredness to God-centeredness as part of a life-long process.
  • Jesus, as a coach, prepares us for the Kingdom lifestyle. Learn practical habits and spiritual exercises to prevent you from destructive behavioural patterns / character defects.

3. To acquire a contemplative life – a life practising God’s presence 

  • To distinguish between those things that draw us towards God and those which lead us away.
  • In finding Him you find your true self. In finding your true self, you find Him.
  • Honesty with yourself is a series of humiliations of the false self, which is painful.
  • Becoming honest opens your life for the depths of God’s grace and sets into motion a deep and lasting life-change.
  • The biggest threat to this contemplative lifestyle is business.

4. Grieving and Loss

  • Allowing pain to shape us – life comes out of death.
  • The degree to which you learn to grieve your own losses is equal to the depth of your relationship with God and the compassion you can offer others.

5. Evaluate yourself: Where are you? (Completion of questionnaires)

  • Become aware of specific practical aspects of your life that God wants to transform.
  • Determine your spiritual and emotional healthiness.

Are you interested or perhaps have a question about this course?

Contact us today 

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Financial support

The ministry is operated on faith based principles and dependent on voluntary donors who believe in our vision.

Project leader:
Mr Ritz de la Batt
Email: ritz@vdslegal.co.za

FHBC, Wellington
Email: info@fhbc.co.za

Donations can be made to:
Visarend Trust, ABSA Paarl.
Branch code 632005
Account number : 922 799 6908